Tuesday, October 1, 2024

AFT Locals 1904 in Solidarity with Two Communities at Collaborative Flag-Raising Event

On Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, Officers and other Members of AFT Local 1904 (along with those of AFT Local 6025--Adjuncts), in the spirit of solidarity and aspiring allyship, attended Montclair State University’s inaugural, collaborative flag-raising recognizing both Disability History & Awareness Month and LGBTQ+ History Month, sponsored by the Montclair State Office of Social Justice and Diversity and other community partners.

Monday, September 30, 2024

AFT Locals 1904 and 6025 at MSU Homecoming 2024!

On Saturday, September 28th, the AFT Local 1904 proudly joined with AFT Local 6025 (Adjuncts) and other members of our campus community in celebration of Montclair State University's Homecoming 2024! Two two AFT Locals shared a table in College Hall (the event moved indoors due to inclement weather), with the AFT Local 1904 end staffed by our Office Manager extraordinaire Deb Corasio and Office Intern Ana Rita Mateoalong with Treasurer Mike Heller, President Laura Field, and Past-President Rich Wolfson. We welcomed alums and current students, members of their family, and other members of our community, and gave out AFT t-shirts, pens, pencils, key chains, and other Union swag. Like last year, we shared important information with current students and their families about the Local's scholarship opportunities. Thank you to everyone who supported us--and it was great to see those of you who stopped by to say "hi"!

Photo Above, left to right: Deb Corasio, 1904 Office Manager; Laura Field, 1904 President; Mike Heller, 1904 Treasurer; Ana Rita Mateo, 1904 Office Intern; Rich Wolfson, 1904 Past-President

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Building the Public Purpose University: Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Kenneth Brook

On October 15th, the Office for Community Engagement and Partnerships and the AFT Local 1904 will be co-hosting: Building the Public Purpose University: Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Kenneth Brook (see flyers below for the morning and afternoon events).

As you may know, Ken was a leader on our campus for nearly 50 years. He came to Montclair in 1970, signed a union card and quickly rose to a leadership position as an Officer and ultimately became our Chief Negotiator, a position he kept for 35 years over 10 master contract cycles.  Ken was a pioneer, along with colleagues, in promoting civic and community-engaged learning through the creation of the Service-learning program designing what is now the Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Fellows Program.

Ken Brook’s  commitment to social justice and equity has had a transformative impact on the University, its faculty, students, and neighboring communities. His legacy is truly worthy of celebration. We invite you to join our campus community as we gather to honor and remember Ken’s lasting and significant contributions.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

AFT Local 1904 Represents at the 33rd Annual Celebration of Labor Parade

Members of our AFT Local 1904 proudly represented at Friday’s (September 6th, 2024) 33rd Annual Celebration of Labor Parade sponsored by Essex West Hudson Labor Council AFL-CIO. The celebration commenced with a pre-parade program of speakers at Newark City Hall, followed by a march from City Hall to Harriet Tubman Square/Washington Park. The 2024 Grand Marshal was Anthony Abrantes, MSU Trustee, Assistant Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Eastern Atlantic State Regional Council of Carpenters, and Founder/President Emeritus of the Northwest Jersey Central Labor Council.

AFT Local 1904 Leadership (marching, carrying Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council AFL-CIO banner), Left to Right: Rich Wolfson, Immediate Past President; Laura Field, President; Bill Sullivan, Vice President for External Affairs

Left to Right: US Representative Andy Kim; Rich Wolfson; Laura Field; Bill Sullivan