Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Election Results

Results of the Officer and Delegate elections for AFT Local 1904, for the term of May 17, 2012 through April 30, 2014, are listed below. Complete vote tallies are available on the Local 1904 website.

We congratulate the officers and delegates elected, both those newly elected and those continuing in office, and trust they will do their best in representing our members, locally at Montclair State University and with the State, in these difficult times.

AFT Local 1904 2012 Elections Committee:
Grover Furr
Jack Gaynor
Susan Hagen
Matthew Pierce
A. David Trubatch, Chair

Elected Officers:
President                                                                        Rich Wolfson
Internal Vice President                                                    Jennifer Higgins
External Vice President                                                   Bill Sullivan
Associate VP Personnel                                                    Kathy Hughes
Negotiations Coordinator                                                 Ken Brook
Professional Staff Negotiations Leader                             Dana Natale
Treasurer                                                                        Mike Heller
Secretary                                                                        Neeraj Vedwan
Librarian Coordinator                                                      Mei Ling Chow
Professional Staff Coordinator                                         Betsy Montanez

Elected Council Delegates in alphabetical order:
Rebecca Goldstein
Mike Heller
Jennifer Higgins
Amy Krenzer
Naomi Liebler
Betsy Montanez
Dana Natale
Bill Sullivan
Neeraj Vedwan
Bill Vincenti

Friday, May 18, 2012

Draconian Cuts to Higher Ed & Unbalanced Coverage

Rich Wolfson's Letter to the Editor about cuts to higher education and NJTV's unbalanced coverage of our Day of Action on April 25th ran in The Clifton Journal today.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Modified Summer Work Schedule Settled

After several weeks and negotiations sessions, an agreement was reached with the MSU administration regarding the work schedule for this summer. Please click here to read it. There is also Table Talk associated with this agreement. Both of these documents can be found on our Contracts tab as well.

A number of members expressed their concerns over the new time the university wants us to work during the summer. Please know that the MSU administration recognizes that there are circumstances that might make working an 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. schedule difficult, and the Table Talk associated with this agreement may be helpful to you.

If you have questions about requesting a modified schedule, please email Lisa Ambrose at: lisa.ambrose@aftlocal1904.org

Friday, May 11, 2012

Higher Ed protest deserved balanced coverage

In response to the unbalanced coverage on NJTV about our Day of Action on April 25th, Rich Wolfson, President of AFT Local 1904, sent letters to the editors of a number of media outlets.  The Home News Tribune ran the letter on May 10th.  Click here to read the letter.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

BKMUW Scholarship Recipients

AFT Local 1904 announced the recipients of the 2012 Becker-Keenen-Moore-Uhia-Waller Scholarship at its May 2, 2012 General Union Meeting.     

 L-to-R: Maria Skolyszewski, Qualicia Quiles, Samantha Spencer, Kelly Vaghenas, & Robert Barrows.
Robert Barrows, Qualicia Quiles, Samantha Spencer, and Kelly Vaghenas are recipients of the BKMUW Scholarship and Maria Skolyszewski is the recipient of the Ellen Kerns Nunn Scholarship.

The Local extends its thanks to the Scholarship Committee members for their hard work and thoughtful consideration of the applicants. The committee members are: Carmen E. Reyes-Cuevas, Mei Ling Chow, Susan Hagen, John J. Gaynor, Louise Davies, Jonida Dervishi, Andrew Maxwell, and Jeffrey Schonfeld.