Friday, September 28, 2012

Statement to the Board of Trustees on 9/27/12

At yesterday's Board of Trustees meeting, in a light agenda, our Board approved contracts ranging from purchasing academic advising software to training consultants for Child Advocacy. Also included was an approval for the 2012 audited financial statements and the granting of emeritus status to two faculty and one dean. Additionally, Rich Wolfson called for cooperation between the local and the administration in an effort to get the Higher Education Bond issue overwhelmingly passed. 

To Rich Wolfson's complete statement to the Board of Trustees, click here.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Voter Education for Women

The National Women’s Law Center  (NWLC) has compiled valuable resources that will be helpful in evaluating candidates and in conducting GOTV activities.

NWLC has created a Voter Education page with an easy-to-use registration engine (offered in conjunction with Rock The Vote), along with some great resources that explain WHY women need to vote in 2012. Eight fact sheets are included on why women should vote, broken down by issue. Topics covered range from Social Security to the economy, from health care and reproductive health to getting single mothers the support they need. The page also features a Woman’s Guide to Voter Suppression, which details how voting restrictions such as Voter ID laws particularly affect women’s ability to vote.

Here’s the link for the page:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stressed At Work?

As professors, librarians, and professional staff our lives seem to be filled with stress. To help counteract the stress, participate in a one hour meditation workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Sprague Library, Room, 110
The workshop will provide stress reduction techniques that you can use daily.  An exploration about the causes of stress and ways to reduce stress will be discussed.  Basic meditation techniques and a guided meditation practice will be included.  
This workshop will be followed by a campus-wide  6-week series of meditation sessions (October 9 - November 13) entitled "The Power of a Peaceful Mind" which will provide more in-depth discussion on the topic.  Each session is self-contained and does not require weekly attendance. 
The workshop and meditation series will be led by Lori Petrozzello, AFT union member and a student in the teacher training program at the Dharmachakra Buddhist Center, New Kadampa Tradition. For more information please email Lori at

Friday, September 7, 2012