Here is the Board of Trustees Statement that I delivered last Thursday. It is time that the Board and Administration know we stand together for a fair contract, and do not want our institution to abandon the community and humanity that we have built up over many years. When I speak, the Board members are largely expressionless like poker players after a bet. They never respond or ask a question. The meeting is scripted with each vote unanimous with never a question or discussion.
It is time for you to chime in and let them know we care as a community how each of us is treated. You can do that by writing to the Board to voice your opinion. You can also come to the next public meeting and sit in the gallery. Their meetings, as important as they are, rarely last more than a half hour.
You can also come to one of the Wednesday Solidarity Walks. Those also will only take a small portion of your time and can make a big difference. We have to get the Administration to notice that we stand together or they will continue to ignore us and the entire campus community when they make their decisions.
I hope to see you Tuesday, February 7th at the Day of Unity and at this Wednesday's Solidarity Walk. The next Board of Trustees meeting on April 5th. It would be wonderful to see some smiling faces in the room as I address the Board once again. It may be the only voice from the campus community they hear.
In solidarity,
Rich Wolfson