On Halloween, Rich Wolfson addressed the Board of Trustees on a number of the agenda items. He congratulated Dan Bronson and Irene Douma on receiving Emeriti status. Combined they have taught at Montclair State University for almost 80 years.
He also spent time talking to the Trustees about the composition of the search committee for the position of Vice President of Human Resources, addtional spending for consultants working on the OneMontclair project, and the capital budget plan of $314 million. His entire statement can be read by clicking here.
On November 5th, the general election in New Jersey happens. We have an opportunity to cast our votes for local and statewide positions, including Governor. The officers of AFT Local 1904 encourage you all to take a moment and thoughtfully consider who you are voting for and whether or not the candidates in question stand with Labor. Also, remember to vote "Yes" on Question #2 and help Raise the Minimum Wage.