Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Work Schedule Agreement & Changes to Tuition Waiver Program

2013-2015 Summer Work Schedule:
AFT Local 1904's negotiations team has come to an agreement with Montclair State University's administration regarding the Modified Summer Work Schedule for Professional Staff and Librarians for the period of 2013-2015.

Tuition Waiver Program Changes: 
As you all may be aware, the administration sent out an email on May 10, 2013 stating it will be taking a "more flexible approach to the application" of the University's policy regarding the Tuition Waiver Program for employees. The policy states that employees "who want to further their professional development and/or enhance their effectiveness on the job through participation in credit-bearing courses, certificate programs or other approved programs of study at the University are eligible to apply for tuition waiver." Part of this new flexibility is that, starting with the Summer 2013 session, all courses within an approved course of study will be covered by the Tuition Waiver Program.

In addition, AFT Local 1904 has secured changes to the application form for the Tuition Waiver Program so that the form reflects the policy. The Local is aware of the typographical errors and we are working with Human Resources to correct them.

For those interested in taking courses this summer, the deadline for the application has been extended to May 30th. The form does not state this but the administration has agreed to do this for this year only. For those who already applied and were denied, your applications should have been reviewed again by Human Resources and you should have already received notification as to the outcome of the second review.

Questions or concerns? Email AFT Local 1904 at   

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2013 BKMUW Scholarship Recipients

The Becker-Keenen-Moore-Uhia-Waller Scholarship Recipients were introduced at the May 1, 2013 General Union Meeting. Ten (10) $500 scholarships were award this year to students who are studying anthropology, communications, music, business administration, biology, biochemistry, dance and economics. 

The 2013 recipients are: Gray Burford, Jameka Carter, Karin Cuellar, Derek Darby,
2013 BKMUW Scholarship Recipients
Kristen Maday, Elizabeth Mejia, Ralph Olacio, Delfin Santiago, Hamza Serhan, and Kelly Vaghenas. 

Local AFT 1904 extends its thanks to the BKMUW Scholarship Committee members for their hard work and thoughtful consideration of the applicants. The committee members are: Aditya Adarkar, Mei Ling Chow, Carmen E. Reyes-Cuevas, Louise Davies, Jonida Dervishi, Fred Gardin, John J. Gaynor, Susan Hagen, Karen Ramsden, and Jeffrey Schonfeld. The committee is chaired by Jennifer Higgins.