At the University Senate meeting this past Wednesday President Wolfson asked the Provost if the Career Development Proposals that were put forward by the CD Committee last week were going to be funded for this summer & AY2015-2016. The question was asked because the Local was informed that people who called the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs were told that the funding was in jeopardy because the Statewide Master Agreement expires June 30th. The Provost responded by saying that it is a "negotiable" issue and did not answer what hispreference would be if he were to make the decision.
The Local's position is unequivocal in that the provisions of the contract continue as per Article XLIII of the Statewide Master Agreement "Duration and Termination" clause excerpted here:
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from July 1, 2011 until June 30, 2015. The Agreement shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter, unless either party shall give to the other party written notice of its desire to terminate, modify or amend this Agreement. Such notice shall be given the other party in writing by certified mail no later than October 1, 2014 or October 1 of any succeeding year for which this Agreement is automatically renewed.
The Provost was asked followup question about approved Sabbaticals for AY 2015-2016 and the Senate was told those were also subject to "negotiations". In light of his comment, the Local has asked the administration to publicly clarify its position so that those that are expecting CDC or Sabbaticals can effectively plan for those awards. The Local suggests that before anyone incurs any irrevocable expenses that they check with the Provost before committing personal funds. To be clear the Local believes Article XLIII assures that CDC and Sabbaticals are funded until a successor agreement is signed and that the University should be public about its intentions so you can make effective plans.
We are committed to keeping you informed about this issue and when we have definitive information, you will hear it from us.