Saturday, July 20, 2019

Local Supports Efforts By Sprague Library’s Health and Wellness Committee to Encourage Healthful Study Breaks

Over the summer, the Sprague Library’s Health and Wellness Committee put out a call for puzzles and games to help encourage students to take a break from studying. The officers of AFT Local 1904 answered this call and purchased puzzles and games so students can take study or “brain breaks” while working in the library.

The support of the library’s Health and Wellness Committee is only one of the ways AFT Local 1904 supports students beyond doing the important work we do. The Local also has a FAST Fund, which provides emergency financial assistance to students, and our scholarship, the Becker-Keene-Moore-Brook-Uhia-Waller Scholarship.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Local at Montclair Lights for Liberty Vigil

On Friday evening, July 12th, officers, other members, and family of the Local 1904 showed up in downtown Montclair at the Lights for Liberty vigil to show support for efforts to end the human rights violations at the US Southern border. The vigil, one of many held simultaneously throughout the country, featured a program of speakers including numerous community leaders, activists, and organizers.