Sign a petition to end the cutbacks that have devastated students, university employees, their families, and communities throughout New Jersey.
During this unprecedented health crisis, Rutgers should use its institutional wealth to protect its most vulnerable employees—those with the lowest wages, the least job security, and without the employer-subsidized health insurance that Rutgers makes available to other employees. Specifically, the demand is that Rutgers:
⦿ Rehire PTLs who were dismissed, restore course offerings and return class sizes to fall 2019 levels;
⦿ Send out PTL appointment letters in a timely manner so that PTLs can plan their classes and work schedules (June 1 for fall semester; October 1 for spring semester);
⦿ Give full and part-time faculty and staff a significant voice in determining how to safely and fairly return to campus, and provide access to the COVID vaccine for all employees.
Since the start of the pandemic one year ago, Rutgers’ administration has laid off 5 percent of its workforce. Most other public higher education institutions in NJ have agreed to a moratorium on layoffs, and no other institution in the state has had such mass layoffs.
Sign and tell President Holloway that it’s time to put students first, and demonstrate your commitment to quality public education and the health and safety of the entire Rutgers’ community.