Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Initiative Stares Down Workplace Bullying

Our Bully Pulpit combines original documentary film and the reach of multiple media platforms to spark a movement that exposes the devastating effects of workplace bullying.
The first of nine web installments of Beverly Peterson's original documentary, "What Really Killed Kevin Morrisey?" is accessible on Our Bully Pulpit's website and the remaining installments will be released on the web over the next several months.

The documentary footage examines the controversial story that made headlines one year ago: the suicide of Kevin Morrissey of literary journal Virginia Quarterly Review and allegations that his boss and editor, Ted Genoways, had bullied him.

Ms. Peterson is an Assistant Professor in the Broadcasting Department at Montclair State and AFT Local 1904 is grateful for her work on this important topic - workplace bullying - as it is an issue the Local regularly combats on behalf of its members.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Professional Staff Coordinator Ambrose responds to Provost Gingerich's Email regarding Extended Hours

On August 3, 2011 Professional Staff Coordinator Lisa Ambrose sent a message to all Professional Staff in response to a campus wide email sent by Provost Gingerich. Below is the full text:

To members of the Professional Staff:

AFT Local 1904 is aware of the concern Provost Gingerich's email of August 2nd generated regarding changes in office hours during peak periods of advising/registration on-campus. This change to the hours offices/departments will be open affects a number of departments for several weeks throughout the academic year, as outlined in the
Provost's email.

Local 1904 officers began an investigation last night, the same evening the email was sent to the ALLUSERS list and we had a discussion with Judith Hain, Vice President for Human Resources, this morning. We learned that the email served as the first notification to some departments in which professional staff work. We also learned that discussions prior to this notice did not occur between managers and unit members.

Today, Local 1904 informed Vice President Hain that an announcement sent to the entire campus, which included students, without notification to affected members beforehand is problematic for a number of reasons. We also pointed out that there was no effort to discuss modifications to existing work schedules prior to the announcement. Vice President Hain said that she will make certain that managers immediately begin conversations with affected unit members in order to make schedules fair and equitable and allow as much time as possible for our unit members to be able to accommodate any changes. Local 1904 wants to protect you and make sure that modifications to work schedules are not arbitrarily and capriciously applied as well.

However, it is critical that we hear from you. Please let me know if issues have begun to arise as a result of the new extended hours. Issues can be in the form of:

  • Being told what your new schedule will be without discussion

  • Unfair application of modified individual work schedules

  • Any mention of working extended hours without compensation

Please email me at: lisa.ambrose@aftlocal1904.org, or call me at ext. 4079. Your Union is committed to protecting your rights.

In solidarity,

Lisa A. Ambrose
AFT Local 1904-Professional Staff Coordinator