Tuesday, February 27, 2018

As Justices Heard Janus Arguments, They Also Heard Protestors

As the U.S. Supreme Court justices heard oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME yesterday, they could hear the chants and cheers from a large group of protestors on the steps outside. After attending the proceedings and hearing the arguments, AFT President Randi Weingarten said that, if the case were decided on its merits, our side would win hands down. Unfortunately, she noted, the wealthy conservative interests behind the case are "attacking us because they see a strong labor movement as a threat to their wealth and power." In fact, lawyers arguing for the petitioner signaled they want the court to move beyond eliminating fair-share fees and ban public sector collective bargaining altogether. Read the joint statement issued by Randi and other labor leaders. Yesterday morning, the AFT placed ads in nine newspapers around the country featuring AFT members describing how strong unions make for strong communities—and how Janus threatens that.

(From AFT Daily Communicator—February 27, 2018)

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Union Advantage for Women

Labor unions deserve credit for many of the workplace policies that Americans now take for granted-a 40-hour work week, a minimum wage, pay for overtime, and protections from health and safety hazards-and the labor movement continues to champion state and local policies such as paid sick days and paid family leave, policies that are beneficial to all working women and families. Because hiring, pay, and promotion criteria and decisions are more transparent for union members, gender and racial bias is minimized. Women, and especially women of color, who are either affiliated with a union or whose job is covered by a union contract, earn higher wages and are much more likely to have employer-provided health insurance than women who are not in unions.

For details, click on this link to a comprehensive fact sheet.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Announcement of AFT Local 1904 Elections

To All Full-Voting Members of AFT Local 1904:  

As per the Constitution and ByLaws of AFT Local 1904, an Elections Committee has been properly constituted consisting of members Paul Martinez and Darren Sweeper, who are not running for office with Grover Furr, as chairperson.

An email message was sent to our full unit on Friday, February 9th, notifying the unit that elections are open, and that only full dues paying members may run for office, and that only full dues paying members may make nominations. The offices up for election are:
Vice President for Internal Affairs
Vice President for External Affairs
Vice President for Personnel (Grievance Officer)
Vice President for Negotiations (Chief Negotiator) 
Professional Staff Negotiations Coordinator
Faculty Coordinator
Librarian Coordinator 
Professional Staff Coordinator
Specialist Coordinator
Also, fifteen (15) delegates to the State Council must be elected. It should be noted that we are entitled to 16 delegates to Council but the President serves ex-officio as a delegate. Elected Officers may also serve as Council Delegates.

The timeline for the election is as follows:
March 19, Nomination Forms Due
April 23 through April 27, The Election. 
April 30, Announcement of Election Results.
Any member wishing to have their name on the ballot for any of the above positions, including Council Delegate, are required to complete a Nominating Petition with ten (10) signatures of full-dues-paying members, which is then delivered to the Chair of the Elections Committee via inter-office mail, or directly to his mailbox at Dickson Hall, Room 325.
If ALL of the positions are uncontested, then the election will be conducted electronically. If there are any positions to be contested the election will be run via a mail ballot with the chair of the Elections Committee placing names for each contested position in a hat or box to draw for position on the ballot. Then, the Council of New Jersey State College Locals will conduct the election by mail ballot working under the supervision of the Elections Committee as to ballot design, name placement and mailing to dues-paying AFT full members. 
From the point where nominations are final, the Elections Committee shall have total supervision of the election process. A level and equal playing field will exist for all candidates and use of the Local's membership list via labels and/or the Local's email list with any and all election materials going through the committee and/or Council.
The election will be conducted between April 23 and April 27, for 5 full working days. If there are any questions please direct them to the Chair via email at furrg@mail.montclair.eduIf you want to confirm whether or not you are a full dues paying member, please contact the Local's office at ext. 4453 or via email at union@mail.montclair.edu to confirm your membership status.