Saturday, October 16, 2021

AFT Local 1904 Joins Together With Other Unions In Support of Governor Murphy's Bid for Re-Election

Today, at the Bergen County CLC Labor Walk, IBEW 164, 205 Robin Road in Paramus, Members of AFT Local 1904 joined together with other Union siblings including those from Kean, Rutgers, HPAE, AFTNJ, and AFL-CIO NJ, in support of Governor Murphy's re-election bid. 

AFT President Randi Weingarten and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler were in attendance.

AFT at Homecoming 2021: Back on Campus!

The AFT Local 1904 celebrated the first on-campus Montclair State Homecoming event since the onslaught of COVID. Back at our usual table in front of Dickson Hall, our indispensable Office Manager Deb Corasio and our amazing interns tended the table, distributing AFT pens, pencils, key chains, water, and the ever popular "pronoun" buttons, while welcoming alums and informing current students and their families about the Local's scholarship opportunities.

Local 1904 Treasurer Mike Heller and Office Manager Deb Corasio, in AFT Superhero blue

Students, Alums, Interns, and families at the AFT Local 1904 table

Local VP for Internal Affairs Brian Abrams talking with current student about scholarship opportunities